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Saturday, July 15, 2006

Tools and Symbolism

The tools of the Craft speak to our subconscious mind in forms that help support magickal workings. The purpose of this page is to delineate what tools and symbols are commonly found in Wicca and Witchcraft, how they are used and what they represent.

Witches and Wiccans will tell you that tools are good helpmates to magick, but they are not necessary to the success of any spell or ritual. A tool is only a focus, something to distract you from yourself. Without the witch’s will and directed energy the potential in any tool will remain dormant. Quartz crystals may have an energy enhancing power, but until that crystal is charged or activated, that ability “sleeps” within. In magick, the witch is an enabler. A focused will is all that any effective witch needs for magick.

What happens if a specific tool is not available? Find something else with appropriate symbolic value. Some alternatives for an athame include a butter knife or a wooden spoon, a dirk, a sword or even a finger.

Buying, trading and making “goodies” for your magickal work is one of the most enjoyable areas of witchcraft, but it is necessary that you understand the importance and the nature of these objects. Tools and accessories do not perform the magick. They do not bring thought into form by themselves. Tools and accessories sere to enhance your abilities, not create them.

The Tradition you have chosen may dictate some of the more specialized tools you may require. Other items, such as candles, wands, chalices, pentacles and incense are relatively standard through the practices of the New Generation of Witches.

All tools and accessories should be cleansed and consecrated prior to use (even for adornment). This holds true if you have made them for yourself, they have been given to you, or you have purchased them. No tool or accessory should be used for anything other than the express purpose of magick or ritual celebrations. Never, ever touch someone else’s tools and accessories without their permission. Likewise, never allow anyone else to touch your magickal items unless you are absolutely sure that the person’s energy is synergetic with yours. The only exclusion here are Tarot cards or some other type of divination tool that may require the energy of the querent. However, there are special cleansing guidelines for these as well.

We all know that cleanliness is important in any health care profession. Guarding against contamination is a top priority. Your tool and accessories are just as important, and you must insure the purity of their energy.

Performing magick is a serious business, your tools are an extension of you. The longer you use them the more energy they store. After a time you will be able to notice this by a simple touch. Your tools will tingle in your hand. Some of your tools will carry a stronger vibration than others depending on how often you use them, what you use them for, and what material they are made of.

When stocking your cabinet, don’t run out and buy products that are beyond your budget. Adding to your collection is fun, but it is with wisdom that your collection grows. If you spent the time making an item for ritual use, concentration your energy and thought process on the creation of the object, you have already brought half of the magickal intention into form.

Blessed Be
Fairy Star

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