Astrological Color Correspondences
Try wearing the color that is associated with your birthsign to understand how that sign affects you. Or, wear the other birth sign colors to develop specific attributesassociated with that sign. Wear white orsilver during lunar rituals to honor the moon, and yellow or gold during solarcelebrations to honor the sun.
Aries Red
Taurus Yellow
Gemini Green
Cancer Yellow,gold or orange
Leo Sky Blue or Violet
Libra Violet
Scorpio ReddishBrown
Sagittarius Orangeor purple
Capricorn Brownor Blue
Aquarius SeaBlue or Green
Pisces White,purple or aqua
The key to successfully using colors in a magickal way is tobalance their traditional correspondences with your own feelings and preferences. Overall, your gut reaction to a hue is moreimportant than its customary meaning. You are the one wielding the magick; therefore, the colors you use haveto make sense in your mind if the symbolism is to work.
Blessed BeFairy Star
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