Wicca Information

Up to date information for the Wiccan Intrested

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Magick and Affirmations

In Witchcraft, affirmations can be combined with spells, rituals and meditations too! Witches strive to stretch themselves on all levels (mind, body and spirit). Affirmations support that stretching process, especially when a particular goal seems elusive.

Affirmations are totally portable. You can say them quietly in the office lavatory, repeat them in your car, dance to them outside in a rainstorm, or whisper them as you go to sleep. And as you do, you will begin to transform your image of self so that it supports your spiritual pursuits.
Let’s put this into an illustration specific to Witches. The Witch or Wiccan who may feel a little unsure about her abilities could choose the phrase: “I nurture my magickal being and see my power growing daily.” The recognition that we are not fully developed as spiritual people is a balancing point, yet it does not hinder the maturation process! Similarly, a Witch suffering from self image issues could repeat “I am beautiful within and without; I love myself.” Saying this phrase in front of a mirror several times a day creates a visual connection between self love and the image seen (the Witch’s reflection.)
Blessed Be
Fairy Star
For more information on Affirmations click the link to myspace.com