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Thursday, August 17, 2006

How to Interpret Dreams

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Wiccans and Witches believe that the entirety of a dream holds import – its continuity, its feeling, the impressions left upon waking. But the details are also important. Sometimes the human mind leaves clues in the small seemingly insignificant items.

The length and amount of detail in a dream is not really an issue, for one thing, time is elusive in the dream world. What appears to be a moment can translate into hours of real time, and vice versa. Also short dreams with only one or two images can be just as insightful, if not more so than lengthy ones that require a lot of sorting.

A nineteenth century clergyman named Hubbard Windslow said, “we have in dreams no true perception of time – a strange property of mind!...The relations of space as well as of time are …annihilated, so that while almost and eternity is compressed into a moment, infinite space is traversed more swiftly than by real thought.”

With this foundation in mind, let us look at the methods Witches, Wiccans and many other people use to effectively interpret their dreams:

NOTE THE FIRST GUT FEELING ABOUT THE DREAM: Do not just brush off first impressions – they are very important. Very often, the initial feeling or ideas that come to mind upon waking are right on! And if the meaning of the dream seems obvious, it probably is exactly as it seems.

TRY TO INTERPRET ANY REFERENCES TO OBVIOUS INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL INFLUENCES: Such as – something seen on TV or in the newspapers, or obvious personal fantasies and memories. Internal or external influences hold important to a dream. It is possible you could simply be dreaming about those memories or feelings, but it is also likely that those influences hold import to the situation or question at hand.

LOOK AT THE DREAM AS A WHOLE: Is there a theme to it? What is the overall setting and feeling? Try to see the big picture.

LOOK AT THE DETAILS: Does there seem to be a repeated message? It may com through words, colors, aromas, symbols or objects that are duplicated or have the same connotation. Alternatively, write down each component and the meaning it has for you, then compare them to the impressions from the whole dream.

CONSIDER THE DREAM’S PATTERNS, CYCLES OR PROGRESSIONS: For example, a dream that begins in spring and ends in winter might be connected to the flow of time, the change of seasons. Patterns often prove important to the overall interpretation.

MEDITATE ON THE DREAM: When time allows, think about the dream and all the impressions you have gathered. If you think of new parts of the dream previously forgotten add those into the process. Make note of any notions that come to you during this re-examination.

FINALLY, LOOK TO DREAM KEYS FOR HELP: Remember, that many dreams interpretation books do not include modern symbolism and rely on information gathered at the turn of the century, when this art was in its heyday. Some good modern books that have a spiritual focus include “Dream Magic” by Sirona Knight and “The language of Dreams” by Patricia Telesco.

Remember that not all dreams have deep spiritual meaning, in fact, they are in the minority. Most dreams have to do with odd things your mind retained during the day or week, or other things you may have been thinking about. So do not be disappointed if sacred sleep does not always produce the desired results.
Enjoy and Learn From Your Dreams!
Blessed Be
Fairy Star