Wicca Information

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Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Loving Yourself

Loving yourself is a definite prerequisite for casting any love spell. It sounds simple enough, but so many of us have grown up believing that we are not worthy, are not attractive or intelligent enough, are not this or that. Before you try any love spell, spend a little time uncovering your beliefs about yourself.

If you are holding on to negative beliefs about your worth as an individual, take a tip from author Louise Hay and adopt this simple affirmation: “I love and approve of myself.” Say it out loud, write it out, an post it on your mirrors, your fridge, and wherever else you will see it frequently. Yes, you will probably feel a bit foolish at first, but that just means the affirmation is working. When you repeat something often enough and back it with positive, uplifting emotion, your unconscious mind gets the message.

Blessed Be
Fairy Star

Taking an Emotional Inventory

Before you can fulfill your goals through spells, you need to take an inventory of your love life. The following questions apply whether you are single or committed and should give you a fairly clear idea about the patterns that run throughout your intimate relationships. Once you identify your patterns, it is easier to change them.

1. Describe your ideal intimate relationship.
2. Describe the worst intimate relationship you ever had.
3. How would you rate your present sex life?
4. If you are involved, is your significant other romantic?
5. Are you romantic?
6. If you are involved, is your relationship emotionally satisfying?
7. What, if anything, would you change about this relationship?
8. If you are not involved, jot down five important things you are seeking in an intimate r
9. Describe the most satisfying relationship you have now. It does not have to be romantic;
it can be with anyone- a child, a parent, a friend or even a pet.
10. Do your love relationships have a spiritual component?
11. List five things you would like to change about yourself, then five things you love about
12. List five things you admire about the person you love most. List five things that make you feel good.

Blessed Be
Fairy Star