Wicca Information

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Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Fire Magick

Many a spell has been cast over a blazing hearth or candle flame. On a winter’s eve, a fire is the perfect focal point for divination or spell casting. To bring a wish into your life follow this spell:

To make a dream become real,
Upon the winter fire scatter
A pinch of clove and dried orange peel.
Bind together three twigs –
One oak, one hawthorn, one ash.
Think of your wish; it will come to pass.
Place the twigs upon the fire,
Watch them burn
And you will receive your desire.
As the winter fires burn, the seasons turn.
Blessed Be
Fairy Star

In Praise of Dagda

Our thanks we offer to the Father God
Whose cauldron pours his plenty on the land,
A flood of fragrant beauty and rebirth.
He blesses seeds that lie in fertile sod,
And shelters us beneath his mighty hand.
Our thanks we offer to the God of Earth
Whose harping leads the seasons in the dance,
With measures bright and graceful, steps so grand.
He blesses all the minstrels in their mirth,
And beckons lads and lasses to romance.
We seek him as a ship seeks out its berth,
The beach grown thick with thyme and goldenrod.
The priests may whisper of such things in trance –
But Dagda is the one who shouts our worth.

- Elizabeth Barrette
Blessed Be
Fairy Star


The holly was a deeply masculine symbol to the Celts, one that represented the God and his polarity with the Goddess. Its magickal and ritual uses are numerous, and so are its gifts.

Often we don’t know what it is we really need. We’re usually pretty sure we know what we want, but when we get it we end up reminded of the old adage, “Be careful what you wish for.”

During the Holly Moon, approach the holly as the embodiment of our father God, and ask if you may take a sprig of he plant. Place it under your pillow for the next seven nights. As you ready yourself to fall asleep, pray to the God for enlightenment. Look to your dreams for answers. During the day, be aware of things you haven’t noticed before or opportunities that present themselves unexpectedly.

- Edain McCoy

Blessed Be

Fairy Star

Knot Magick

The simplest form of knot magick is to tie nine knots in a cord, alternating them from each end and working towards the center. Concentrate on what you wish to achieve, and then release it into the knot. There are several variations on this accompanying chant:

By the knot of one, the spell’s begun
By the knot of two, my wish come true
By the knot of three, the magick’s free
By the knot of four, my will be law
By the knot of five, the spell will thrive
By the knot of six, the magick fix
By the knot of seven, my words to heaven
By the knot of eight, the magick create
By the knot of nine, this thing be mine.

Put the cord somewhere safe and leave it as long as you wish the spell to work. When you wish to undo the spell, undo or cut the knots.

You do not have to use heavy cord for magick - thread or ribbon will work too. It doesn’t have to be nine feet long, but it does work best if the measurement is in some multiple of three: three inches, three feet, six inches, six feet, or centimeters for that matter, and so on.

You might use different numbers of knots for different purposes, according to the laws of numerology:

One: unity and wholeness, healing, Sun magick
Two: duality, choice, the emotions, Moon magick
Three: creativity, production, action, Mars magick
Four: foundation, wealth, communication, Mercury magick
Five: expansion, growth, joyfulness, Jupiter magick
Six: love, beauty, harmony, Venus magick
Seven: limitation, ending, binding, Saturn magick
Eight: dissolution, endings, beginnings, balance, Pluto magick
Nine: three times three, the number of the Goddess

You can enhance the magick by using a thread or ribbon of the appropriate color:

Red: life, vitality, health
Pink: love
Blue: healing, peace, spirituality
Black: endings, negation of ego
Green: growth, creativity, wealth
Orange: optimism, joy
Yellow: thought, mental activity
Purple: power, assertion, confidence
White: spirituality, protection

Use a little imagination and the uses of knot magick are unlimited.
Blessed Be
Fairy Star