Types Of Charms
There are three types of charms and we will go over each of them one at a time. We will start with the Spoken Charm, they are the easiest since they require nothing more than some clever phrasing and your vocal cords – how convenient! A charm is like a poem. Many charms both ancient and modern, rhyme or have a poetic rhythm about them. The following is a very simple example of a verbal charm from Europe:
Leaf of ash,
I do thee pluck
To bring to me
A day of luck.
This is not considered a literary masterpiece, and yours do not have to me either. What is important is that the charm expresses your wish or goal, and that it is easy to remember. That way, you can repeat it whenever it comes to mind, giving the original charm more energy to work toward manifestation.
It is quite common for charms to be repeated a specific number of times. This repetition gives the charm a musical attribute and wraps it in numbers. Using the previous example, to add this dimension to the charm, a practitioner might repeat the phrase several times, the number of which could be her “lucky” number, eight times (the manifestation number), or the number that represents cycles coming to fruition (twelve times).
Leaf of ash,
I do thee pluck
To bring to me
A day of luck.
This is not considered a literary masterpiece, and yours do not have to me either. What is important is that the charm expresses your wish or goal, and that it is easy to remember. That way, you can repeat it whenever it comes to mind, giving the original charm more energy to work toward manifestation.
It is quite common for charms to be repeated a specific number of times. This repetition gives the charm a musical attribute and wraps it in numbers. Using the previous example, to add this dimension to the charm, a practitioner might repeat the phrase several times, the number of which could be her “lucky” number, eight times (the manifestation number), or the number that represents cycles coming to fruition (twelve times).
Blessed Be
Fairy Star
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