Wicca Information

Up to date information for the Wiccan Intrested

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

The Horned God

Known as Cernunnos,
Zeus, Jupiter, Herne,
The Green Man, Jack-In-The-Wood,
Osiris, Pan, Yahweh,
Aten, Amon, Apollo,
Odin, Allah, An,
Cupid, Crom, Cronus,
Old Horny. This is just a few
of the many names
and faces of God.

The Horned God aspect He is the master of the Wildewood. He predates agriculture by countless thousands of years. He has survived in harmony with human endeavors at controlling our food supply, and he has survived in spite of monotheist attempts to exile him.
The hunting God Originally the hunting god. The hunter identified with his prey. The beasts hunted and killed were always respected and it was with great reverence that their lives were taken by ancient man.
Agriculture and the growth of cities did not diminish His power. Wise men knew that without the raw force of nature on their side, neither crops nor cities would flourish. Old Horny is possibly the modern witch's favorite god-form. He is that which impregnates Mother Earth, and watches over and defends Her creatures. He is the true Lord Of The Dance, for the rhythms of life, growth, death, and rebirth are His, working with the Goddess through the cycles.
The Green Man The Green Man is intimately associated with Robin of the Wood, the Green Knight of Arthurian legend, Jack in the Green, the May King or Summer Lord, and with Cernunos, the Celtic God of the forest.
He is usually shown as a male head formed as a leaf mask, often with vegetation disgorging from his mouth. Springing from the dark, shady recesses of the forest, He symbolizes a deep kinship with trees and woods, irrepressible life, and the cycle of renewal and rebirth. He is honored during the Bright Half of the year. He is the Child, Lover and Protege of the Goddess, and is the Young Son, who inherits His father's throne and sires the new King. Often known as Lord of the Corn, it is He who by joining with the Goddess, ensures the fertility of the fields and secures a healthy crop. His is the realm of light, life and living.
Blessed Be
Fairy Star

Herbal Correspondences

APPLES- getting over a past love affair, reviving love,healing, garden magick
BASIL- wealth, money, and protection
BAY LEAF- protection, psychic powers, healing, purification, strength
CEDAR- purification, healing, money, protection
CINNAMON- spirtuality, success, healing, power, psychic powers, lust, love, protection, spiritual cleansing, raises high spiritual vibrations
GARLIC- lust, anti-theft, healing and protection
GINGER- love, money, success and power
HOLLY- protection, luck, dream magick
LAVENDAR- love, chastity, sleep, longevity, happiness, peace, purification, protection
MARJORAM- love, happiness, protection, money, health, and balance
MINT-money, lust, healing, protection, luck and travel
ROSE PETALS- love, spirituality, psychic powers, healing, luck, and divination
ROSEMARY- sleep, youth, lust, protection, mental powers, love, healing
SAGE- cleansing, wishes, protection and wisdom
THYME- health, courage, purification, healing, sleep, love, psychic powers
This is by no means a complete list of all the magical herbs. It is just a sample of what some of the most common household herbs can do in Wicca.
Blessed Be
Fairy Star

Effective Magickal Dreaming

Okay, so if a Witch or Wiccan wants to manifest a spiritually or magickally oriented dream, just how does he or she go about it? Like many of the methods already discussed here, the approach is usually highly personal. Nonetheless, there are some similarities in technique throughout the magickal community that anyone can use or adapt. Here are some guidelines:

PREPARE: Before embarking on sacred sleeping, take time to consume only certain foods, fast and or purify yourself. Foods might be limited to those believed to help in manifesting dreams, like onions – Historically, Egyptians worshiped the onion and invoked it during promissory rituals. Onions were also used in a variety of divinatory efforts in Europe, Wales and Germany. The Welsh ate onions on special occasions to inspire dreams about important relationships. Fasting is part of purification. You should only consume water to cleanse the body (and therefore the spirit) of any unwanted impurity. Bear in mind that spiritual dreams are thought to come from the Divine, and it is quite traditional in many religions to go before the gods and goddesses in a cleansed form. Other forms of cleansing and purification include taking a ritual bath in clarifying herbal essences like lemon or smudging your aura.

CREATE A SACRED SLEEP SPACE: You know the traditional ways of creating a sacred space. The only difference here is you would be setting it up in your bedroom! In addition to the customary invocations to the quarters, special candles blue and purple, in particular, are considered excellent dreaming hues, and incense, Witches will invoke a deity to help them in their dreams. Incense – sandalwood, rose and jasmine lavender and marigold. Consider Isis who grants healing dreams according to Egyptian lore, Hypnos,
The Greek god of sleep or my favorite Caer Ibormeith, an Irish Goddess of sleep and dreams. Another clever way of accenting the sacred sleep space is placing your pajamas and sheets into the dryer with a bundle of dream accenting herbs. Also try putting a sachet you made with herbs and flowers that promote dreams under your pillow.

EMPLOY PRAYER, MEDITATION OR CHANTING: Prayer, a wish turned godward, may be used to ask for a dream. Meditation silences the thousands of thoughts in your mind and turns the focus to one task – dreaming. Chanting releases vibrations into the room and improves your aura and overall state of awareness.

VISUALIZE: Presleep visualization plays an important role in preparing you for a journey through programmed dreaming. Alternatively, you might use symbols and imagery that you feel will inspire a spiritual dream.

KEEP A DREAM DIARY: Many Witches record their dreams, either in a journal or with a tape recorder. Some very creative folk even sketch or paint them. Recording a dream serves several functions. First , it often helps clarify the details of the dream. Second, it allows you to review and interpret those details at a convenient time (instead of trying to figure out interpretations while rushing out the door to work). Third, the meaning of many spiritual dreams may not become clear for days, weeks, months or even years. Therefore, having a record to look back upon and find “Aha!” there in is indeed, of great help. Such illumination moments give the Witch faith in her dreams and the power within them to help with daily life, understanding self, and connect with the Divine.

Remember that these are guidelines, not edicts. Each Witch will discover what works well and then follow those processes to reach the dream world. Over time, these processes will be shaped into a ritual that honors the self and Spirit.

Blessed Be
Fairy Star
Visit http://blog.myspace.com/faeriestarindublin for more information on Dreams.