Our Elements
Earth: North, fertility, growth, combined forces of nature and its bounty, birth and healing, industry and possessions. Animals associated are the stag, the wolf, the bear, which deal with nature and conservation.
Air: East, knowledge, concentration, communication, to unlock secrets of the dead, contact angels, telepathy. Animals associated are the raven, the eagle and the hawk, which deal with movement and speed.
Fire: South, energy, courage, purification, will to dare, creativity, the arts and transformation. Animals associated are the phoenix, the lion, and the dragon, which deal with force and loyalty.
Water: West, emotions, intuition, power to dare and cleanse all things, sympathy and love, reflection, currents and tides of life. Animals associated are the dolphin, the swan, and the crab, which deal with dreams and dreamtime.
The top point of the pentacle star stands for the fifth element, Spirit. Which means centering, transformation and that its limits are beyond time and space as we understand them.
Blessed Be
Fairy Star